CorAlliance® Model

the alternative partner growth model

The model is structured around a collective of businesses coming together under a single brand, gaining the benefits of brand strength, buying power, greater reach, established systems, and support while maintaining individual ownership of their business and having a say in the wider direction of the organisation.

Designed to meet the changing business environment and sentiment, the CorAlliance® model features similar benefits to other partner models such as franchises. However, its unique and innovative approach to the enduring relationship between both parties places it in a category of its own and unlike any other model on the market.

The CorAlliance® model fosters long-term partnerships built on collaboration, shared objectives and advantages. Members have more operational control and opportunities to influence key business decisions and feel more secure in their investment, which adds to the significant appeal of this model.

Principal (owner) Benefits

Invested, motivated operators growing your brand.
Growth funded by Members.
Rapid expansion.
Point of difference to franchises.
Relatively lower risk and expense compared to hiring more employees.
Improved customer experience.
Ongoing subscription payments.
Collective buying power.
Off the tools and focus on supporting Members, recruitment and innovation.
Promotes a collaborative and cohesive business community.
Attractive to individuals seeking an alternative to a franchise.

Member Benefits

Full training and branch set-up support.
Alliance Principal provides ongoing support and mentorship.
Proven model and systems.
Brand strength.
Ongoing innovation and improvement.
Alliance community support and camaraderie.
Supplier management and collective buying power.
Reduced reporting requirement.
Greater investment security compared to a franchise.
Voting rights and ability to influence key operational decisions.
No minimum performance criteria.
More operational control compared to a franchise.

CorAlliance™ Member Profiles

Individuals seeking a supportive pathway to self-employment and the benefits associated with proven systems, buying power and brand strength.
Business owners within the same industry finding it challenging to compete as an independent seeking to join a business alliance to leverage brand strength, buying power and support.